Alger County Fire Training Council
The County Training Council (CTC) offers training opportunities to all Alger County fire departments. Comprised of officers from each department, their goal is to familiarize firefighters with equipment & environments, promote unity between mutual aid partners, and provide practical hands-on training, complemented by academic learning.
Online Courses & Records
SMOKE: MI Firefighter Training Records
*Print off certificates for state courses / Enroll FFs in courses
All currently listed training requires enrollment in SMOKE.
National Fire Academy online courses (includes wildland training)
*Must sign up to use this system if you don't already have a FEMA #
Incident Command Systems IS-100, 200, 700, 800 (required for all structural firefighters)
August 2016 - Propane Gas Fires @ Mathias Twp
The Michigan Propane Gas Association trained area departments on techniques to use for various incidents involving propane gas fires - such as grills, large residental tanks, & propane tanker truck accidents.
May 2012 - Tanker Shuttle Drill @ AuTrain Twp
Training on tanker shuttle operations for structural protection & water supply in a wildland fire environment.
June 2014 - Structural Operations
@ Munising City Fire
A house was donated for training, and stations were set up simulating common interior operations such as a wall breach, bailout, search & rescue, and ventilation.
June 2013 - Large Diameter Hose @ Onota Twp
The goal of this exercise was familiarizing local departments with large diameter hose (LDH) setup & operations in areas limited by terrain.